Thursday, May 7, 2009

So inspired.

Last weekend I traveled to Venice Beach, CA for their annual garden tour. It's a benefit thingey for the Las Doradas Childrens Center, and it's an amazing tour. I mean, who hasn't walked the canals of Venice and thought "Ooh, I want to see the inside of that house, I want to see their garden!" Well, we got to. AWESOME experience. One thing that particularly inspired me, perhaps because it's something that's in reach for me, something I could make myself, were these lovely art pieces constructed mainly of succulents, tillandsia, orchids ...epiphytic plants and others with low soil needs, mainly. Some of them hung on a wall, or even constructed whole walls, the colors and textures of the plants creating beautiful shapes and harmonious patterns. My mind was blown. One home had business cards for the place that created these beautiful live art-pieces, so I checked out their web site. Holy moley, I'm fired up! I spent most of today at the orchid shop playing with different ways of arranging plants and cut flowers together to make centerpieces. It was a bit indulgent, since we don't sell that sort of thing, but I justify it by saying that it beautifies the shop, no? Anyway, check out the site if you're ready to be awed!