Here are some ongoing projects around the house, ones that I don't think will ever be finished, but constantly just dabbled with.
1. Rock garden wall. Our back yard is a steep hill that is continually sliding toward the house. I've terraced it somewhat, with rocks found around the ranch. I hope to eventually build these little walls all the way up the hill, and alongside the whole house. Then, when that's done, I might be more inclined to spend some money on plants. I rather enjoy building the wall. Collecting the rocks, placing them. It's hard labor, exhausting. But I enjoy it, and sometimes think I could spend all day doing it.
2. Mares painting. This painting started as an effort to create a very serious, photo-realistic painting based on a photograph I found of some grey mares in a barn in Poland. The lighting was superb, so that the mares' backs looked almost like rolling hills, or just backlit outlines. The heads were barely visible, elegantly curved. I started it ... then felt like I wasn't having much success so I took a break from all that seriousness and started painting those little birds. Then I started in with the stripes, until I realized it looked like the opening credits of "The Partridge Family" so I need to paint over it, and get back to seriousness. But at this point, I'm just using the canvas for doodling.
3. Kitchen painting. Our 100-year-old farmhouse has 100 years' worth of paint in the kitchen. Many, many layers. So when we decided to paint the kitchen, I figured I ought to scrape off most of the old paint. Well ... I got as far as scraping off SOME of the old paint. Never did get very far in the painting department. I was gone one weekend and my husband got a substantial amount done, but only HALF the kitchen is done. The half with appliances, etc., that need to be moved has not been touched. It's got to happen. I keep waiting for a rainy weekend, but there's been about 3 years of drought here.
And the final project, which really will get finished, eventually, is the sari silk purse. I got the pattern here. Probably the only time I've ever bought a pattern, so I should really make that money well-spent by finishing the darn thing. I've attached a photo of the strap, which is maybe halfway done, and then I'll be practically finished. I don't know what's taking me so long, honestly. I think I just keep getting distracted by other projects.
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