Did you think I've been slacking on the projects since I've been quiet? Oh, no. Quite the opposite, in fact. I've not had time to photograph anything, and so I haven't been updating.
But yesterday I did start work on a new stamp -- soon to be another card. A friend mentioned that his mom loves owls, and since I did a hummingbird stamp already I thought "Oooh! A lot of people are into owls and may love to have an owl card!" So here ya go! I started to create one. I must say, though, that whoever it was that recommended this pink carving stuff (Speedball Speedy-Stamp) really got it wrong. It doesn't crumble, I'll give it that much (several other varieties crumble, making it hard to do fine work) but it's really bendy, really flexible. So if you're trying to carve any thin lines, they bend away from the knife, rather than get sliced. The only reason I used it was a) I had it laying around; and b) I was out of the orange stuff. And you know how it goes -- once you're in the grip of projectitis, you sorta have to just go with it. No waiting around for proper materials! In any case, I think he's looking really cute, and hope the cards come out well. I did sell a couple orchid cards already, and that makes me happy. $2 isn't much, but it's $2, and it's more than I had before. :)
Other projects lately involve the paying, work kind. I've got a couple magazine deadlines looming in my future, so I've been busy designing. Also spent an afternoon making beautiful headpieces for my bellydancing troupe. Hopefully I'll have photos of those soon. There were also orchid centerpieces to create for a benefit dinner, and several more of the "couture clutches." LOTS more of them, in fact. I got really gung-ho with those, and if not for all the work I have to do, I'd probably be making lots more. They're really awesome.
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