Ah well, the creativity has slowed down considerably. I'm using it all up on work stuff. Ick!
But I am working hard creating stuff for my Relay for Life team -- Relay for Life is a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society, if you didn't already know that.
I did sketch a bit to come up with some new purse ideas. I really love the clutches I've made so far, but it's not a pattern of my own design, and I feel a bit awkward about selling them. As in, I feel as though it's stealing and I ought not to. So I sketched a bit, and then realized that a drawing wasn't helping too much; what I needed was something three-dimensional to really see how it would work out. So I got a bunch of paper out and created the shapes with paper and sort of taped them together and ... hell, yeah! I really like it! So, eventually, I'll get all my sewing stuff out again and start working on a new series of clutches that are all my design.
Oooh! And in other news, my husband brought home a 4-drawer filing cabinet last week. I'm ecstatic, because the clutter factor in this little house was getting out of hand. Inside my filing cabinet? You'll love this.
Top drawer: All the dog magazine back-up files.
2nd drawer: Knitting supplies -- needles, yarn, etc.
3rd drawer: Fabric scraps -- all in baggies to keep each project together (scraps from each bellydancing costume, for instance, are in their own bags, to easily find all coordinating fabrics) and embroidery stuff (thread, hoops)
4th drawer: Iron, projector, sewing box (with all thread, needles, sewing machine parts, etc)
The whole thing is just awesome. I wish I had a whole room full of filing cabinets like this. Imagine how organized I could be! Imagine how clean the house could be, if I didn't have paper bags, piles, boxes of projects all over the place!
For instance, right now I'm not making any more purses because I don't want to create a new disaster in my living room, because it makes *living* in that living room near impossible. BUT if I had a clear place for everything to put away, or to find it straight off, I wouldn't have to make such a huge mess, and would be more likely to create something in whatever time I have available. Actually, some people may say this is B.S. That I'll always create huge messes where ever I go. I'm *dreaming* if I think something like filing cabinets is going to make my house clutter-free. Those people may possibly be correct.
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