In any case, in a previous post I mentioned the mobile I wanted to make for above Emily's crib (oh yeah, she has a name now, in case that wasn't mentioned before... that project is moving forward too). I found a site that had a pattern, so I diligently tried to copy the pattern (without a printer, I just eyeballed it) and numerous adjustments later, I still had only these stupid, retarded looking birds. More like jacked up seahorses than anything.

Embarrassing. I kept with it for longer than a person should admit to, so I won't tell. In any case, I discarded the "official" pattern found online and made up my own. These were significantly cuter, but I really struggled with them. Each one has flaws due to my inability to sew with precision in small tight spaces. These are little birds, you see. Sewing with the machine meant corners got all bunched up, thread got all tangled, fabric unraveled. I can't decide if it's my machine, or me. Regardless, sewing in small places inevitably leads to a jumble of threads knotted up with fabric all jammed into the machine's innards requiring scissors and patience to extract. I started sewing them by hand, which was much less frustrating.
But then I had a revelation. More like I saw some other cute birds online that were made of felt. Felt! That would solve all my problems! So here they are ... little birds.v3. I think these may very well be the final version. Using a whole www worth of inspiration, but maybe, finally, MINE. We'll see how the next step of the project comes together ... mounting them onto twigs. It could very well be just as irritating and drawn out as this has been.
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