So, remember those birds? And all that frustration? Yeah, it never really ended. I made all the felt birds, but then started to assemble the branches into a mobile and it ended up just looking lame. Also, it was really hard to screw the little screws into the branches, so I could do one, maybe two at a time before I had sore fingers and gave up for the day.
Several times throughout the process I said "This looks stupid. I'm not wasting any more time on it." But then I'd always think "Nah, it probably only looks stupid compared to the platonic ideal I have created in my head. The one that doesn't actually exist, that I can't even envision, but is far superior to the one that does exist here in the workshop."
So yeah, several times I gave up on the project. Which is why it's just now (sort of) finished. I say sort of because I think it needs more birds. Maybe just one more bird. And maybe more flowers. I like the flowers, which is surprising because I thought maybe they'd look stupid but I had them laying around and thought I'd see how it worked out. Anyway, it's hard to photograph, but I think you can get the idea.
I made the flowers on the wall, too. I might make another post showing the process of creating that... I'm proud of the way it came out, and it was way less frustrating than these silly birds.
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